McDowell Bible College
Term Schedule for Winter 2025/Spring 2025
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Click on the course for info and books assigned.
All required course books must be purchased by students by the time class begins, unless an E-Book is provided by the college.
Books listed may be updated or changed prior to the beginning of registration, so MBC is not responsible for books purchased before that date. However, if you want your books early, you must register and purchase early. Some books can take 1-2 weeks or longer from booksellers.
Schedule subject to change due to instructor availability, minimum student requirements and other factors.

Schedule of Courses for Winter 2025


BUS1001-607 Management for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
BUS2003-630 Bookkeeping and Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
BUS2901-632 Budget and Fiscal Planning for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
BUS5001-592 Management for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
BUS5003-593 Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
COM1005-633 Visual Presentation Preparation for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
COM6801-643 Issues in Security for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR1001-637 Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR2001-629 Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR5001-599 Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR5501-600 Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR6001-640 Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR6501-641 Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
MKT6001-642 Marketing and Outreach for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.


ENG1001-596 Written Communications for Christian Scholars I 3 sem. hrs.
ENG5001-598 Academic Writing and Research for Christian Scholars 3 sem. hrs.
SPC1001-615 Speech for Christian Service 3 sem. hrs.


BIB1001-644 Survey of the Old Testament 3 sem. hrs.
BIB1804-634 Joshua, Judges and Ruth 3 sem. hrs.
BIB2908-636 Romans and Hebrews 3 sem. hrs.
BIB4809-626 Job 3 sem. hrs.
BIB4814-625 Ezekiel and Daniel 3 sem. hrs.
BIB4912-623 Revelation 3 sem. hrs.
BIB5002-645 Introduction to the New Testament 3 sem. hrs.
BIB6809-627 Job 3 sem. hrs.
BIB6814-624 Ezekiel and Daniel 3 sem. hrs.
BIB6912-622 Revelation 3 sem. hrs.
LDR2001-629 Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR5501-600 Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR6001-640 Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
LDR6501-641 Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.
MIN6990-628 Ministry Project and Thesis 3 sem. hrs.

Science and Mathematics

MAT1001-601 Mathematics for Churches and Nonprofits 3 sem. hrs.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

HIS2001-638 History of the Church I 3 sem. hrs.
SOC5201-602 Christian Counseling 3 sem. hrs.
Schedule of Courses for Spring 2025

There were no classes assigned for this term as of yet.

McDowell Bible College
An on-line international school that serves English speaking Christian students around the world.
sed Deus illuminat - God Enlightens